The Speech & Language Center The Speech & Language Center

The Power of Pause: A Magical Moment for Parents and Clinicians

The holiday season brings the spirit of magic, and in the midst of the festivities, the importance of the pause becomes even more evident. Taking a moment to breathe, be present, reflect, and prioritize self-care becomes that much more important over the holidays.

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The Speech & Language Center The Speech & Language Center

Embracing Flexibility During the Holidays

It's essential to acknowledge the importance of structure and routine in our day-to-day lives while also allowing room for flexibility and grace during the holidays.

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The Speech & Language Center The Speech & Language Center

Trick or Treat! 5 Tips for Fostering Language

In the spirit of Halloween, we are diving into the many fun and exciting ways that we can facilitate language during some of these festive activities.

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Zumbini: Why do we love it?
The Speech & Language Center The Speech & Language Center

Zumbini: Why do we love it?

Zumbini not only promotes and facilitates child development, it is also a special place where new moms, dads, or other caregivers can bond with their child and one another. As a new mom, joining a Zumbini class was one of the first things I did with my daughter.

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