Valentine’s Day Series: First Date Tips

Making a good impression on a first date can be stressful for anyone, but for those with executive function or communication challenges, it can feel like an especially daunting task. Executive function refers to a set of cognitive skills that help us with tasks such as planning, organizing, and problem-solving. If you struggle with executive functioning skills, you may feel overwhelmed by the thought of navigating the social dynamics of a first date.

While speech therapy may not specifically target the subject of dating, it can certainly help individuals who struggle with communication and social skills, which are crucial in all relationships. A speech therapist can help individuals with a variety of communication difficulties, including:

-Stuttering or stumbling over words

-Difficulty expressing thoughts and ideas clearly

-Problems with articulation, pronunciation, or accent reduction

-Struggles with social communication, such as understanding nonverbal cues, perspective taking, reciprocity in conversation

Making a good impression on a first date is possible, even if you have executive function or communication challenges. Here are some tips to help you be your best self in one of the most challenging settings…a first date.

Plan ahead: Set some time aside to think about what you want to wear, what you want to talk about, and where you want to go. Having a plan in place can help you feel more confident and relaxed during the date.

Be mindful of your body language: Nonverbal cues like eye contact, posture, and gestures can speak volumes about how confident and engaged you are in the conversation. Make sure to sit up straight, look your date in the eyes, and use gestures to emphasize your points.

Practice active listening: Pay close attention to what your date is saying and show that you're interested by nodding, asking questions, and making comments. This will not only help you make a good impression, but it will also help you build a stronger connection with your date.

Be yourself: It's important to be genuine on a first date. Embrace your quirks and interests and let your personality shine through. Your date will appreciate your authenticity and it will make the date more enjoyable for both of you. And hey, if the two of you don’t click then at least you’re figuring that out on date one instead of faking it through multiple dates.

Take breaks: If you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious, take a break and go to the bathroom or step outside for a few minutes. Breathing exercises or mindfulness techniques can help you calm down and refocus.

Remember, making a good impression on a first date is not about being perfect, but about being yourself. By following these tips and focusing on being present in the moment, you can make a great first impression while being true to who you are.

By working with a speech therapist, individuals can learn and practice effective communication skills, improve their self-confidence, and develop the social skills necessary to navigate the dating scene. If you or someone you know is interested in speech therapy for these reasons, I recommend seeking out a licensed speech-language pathologist.

Stay tuned for the final post in the Valentine’s Day Series: Tips for Healthy Communication with Your Partner


Happy Valentine’s Day! Tips for Healthy Communication with Your Partner


Valentine’s Day Series: Build Self Confidence